However, there was a problem. I didn't want the mine clearing devices to be permanently fixed on the tanks. I wanted to be able to take them off, if needed, without damaging the tanks. Then, if needed, be able to reattach them. I kept wondering how I could do this?
At first, I thought about magnets. However, the hulls and the top of the tanks are glued together. So, I couldn't very well attach magnets inside the tank. Therefore, that idea was eliminated.
Then, I thought about putty. Kind of like the poster putty you use to hang up paper on the wall without doing any damage or maybe use Silly Putty. However, I thought the putty would show on the tanks. Also, I wasn't sure about the strength of the putty to keep the mine clearing devices on the tanks as the tanks were moved around the battle field.

Next, I tried PVA glue. I thought it would be strong enough to hold the mine clearing devices on the tanks. I also thought it would hold-up to the tanks being moved around and the mine clearing devices would stay on with little or no problem. Well, I put the glue on the mine clearing device, attached it to the hull of the tank, held it there for a bit to let the glue set, let go, and . . . the mine clearing device fell off. I tried again and the same result. The PVA glue wouldn't hold the mine clearing device to the hull of the tank. Back to the drawing board.

Aha! I figured it out. I would use the double sided tape. I went and got it from my supplies with a smile on my face. Brought it back to the table and cut off a strip about the width of the hull. Attached it to the hull where the mine clearing devices would be placed. Grabbed the first mine clearing device. I carefully placed it in the correct location on the hull. Pressed it onto the tape, held it for a second to make sure this is the proper place, and then let go. Success. The mine clearing device was stuck to the hull. With a smile on my face getting larger I touched the mine clearing device to test how well the tape was going to hold the mine clearing device to the tank. The smile quickly vanished as I barely touched the mine clearing device it just fell off the tape. I picked it up and reattached it to the tape, touched it again, and the same result. The double sided tape was a failure. Now, I was beginning to wonder if I was going to find any way to attach them to the tank that was not permanent?

The next day an idea came to me. I have a hot glue gun. Could I put hot glue on the tank without melting the plastic? If it won't melt it can I remove the hot glue without harming the model? If all that was going to be ok could it hold the mine clearing device to the hull of the tank and be strong enough that the mine clearing device wouldn't come off during regular game play? Time to test it and see.

I took one of the tank and used a toothpick to transfer the hot glue to the bottom of the tank.

I let it cool down. After it was cool it was time to see if it hurt the model. I looked and the the plastic seemed fine. Good. Now can I remove the glue without harming the model? I pulled the glue off and checked the model where the glue was originally located. I saw no damage to the model. Ok, so far so good. The last hurdle to clear was the strength test. Would the glue be strong enough to hold the mine clearing device in place and hold it in place through regular game play?

I got some glue from the hot glue gun onto a toothpick as before. Instead of putting the glue on the hull of the tank I put it on the mine clearing device where it would attach to the hull.

Before it could cool too much I placed it on the hull in the proper location. One of the nice things about the hot glue is that before it cools too much you can adjust the mine clearing device some so it will be in the proper location and correct the orientation. I then let it go. It held in place. But I have been down this road before. Now the big test is coming up.

After the glue has cooled I grabbed the mine clearing device in my fingers and wriggled it. The mine clearing device was held on with the glue. It had a little bit of give to it but I know it will not come off unless I pulled it off or maybe if it falls to the floor. The bond seems to be strong enough for what I was trying to accomplish.

I then pulled the mine clearing device off and removed the glue. I doubly checked to make sure no damage was inflicted. There was none.

I then proceeded to attach the mine clearing devices to the nine tanks that would have them.

Now I have the mine clearing devices attached and ready for play. If I change my list and I don't want the mine clearing devices or less tanks will have them I can remove the mine clearing devices. If I need to reattach them I can use the hot glue and they will be back on and ready to get those annoying mines out of the way. Sometimes you know there is a way to solve a problem, but you can't seem to come up with a solution. The idea is not to give up. The solution will eventually come to you.
As always, have a good game.
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