Saturday, January 21, 2017

Getting Back Into Team Yankee and the New Forces Available

Well, it's been awhile since I've wrote anything on my blog. Been busy with some other projects and now have the time to get back to writing on my blog.

I have gotten back into playing Team Yankee. I haven't played it for several months and am ready to do some more battles with my Soviets. Which brings me to the point of this blog. For the last several months there have been other nations added to the armies you can play in Team Yankee. These include the British, West Germans, and East Germans.

I like my Soviets but am interested in seeing what the other nations have to offer the game. I have the West German book called Leopard.

This force I have faced my Soviets in one game. They were tough to defeat but I did prevail. However, I don't see myself picking up and playing this force. Nothing in the forces' available choices made me go "Wow, I want to use that!" So, the West Germans are not going to be an army I see myself playing.

The British forces added to the game can be found in the book Iron Maiden.

The British tank called the Chieftain has less movement when shooting compared to the Leopard. Has about the same deadliness with their main gun range and damage. It does have a lower morale than the Leopard, but better assault and counterattack. Nothing here to make me want to play the British so far.

I do like that the British have a helicopter they can use as transports. It's called the Lynx.

That has me interested. The main reason I chose to play Soviets in Team Yankee was that the Hinds can be used as transports.

The British helicopters can hold one more stand per helicopter than my Hind. However, the Lynxes are more fragile. Their save is a 5+. One thing going for them is that the Lynxes can be used instead as attack helicopters. Similar to abilities of the USA Cobra. They only have TOW missiles, which is less armament than the Cobra, but that is ok.

One thing that I am really interested in from the British is the Harrier.

They seem like a pretty cool strike aircraft. The Frogfoot available to the Soviets is not as interesting looking as the Harrier.

So, the Harrier and the Lynx do have me interested in playing the British. There are other options for the British that seem interesting. Actually, they have a lot of options. That was one of the things that also made me decide on the Soviets was the availability of items to add to your force. I will be researching more into this book and see what my ultimate thoughts about playing this force will be.

The book for the East Germans is not out yet so I don't know anything about that force. The book is called Volks Armee.

I am curious if I could use my current Soviet models for the East Germans. That then would make it easy for me to say "I will get this book and use this force in Team Yankee games." The book is scheduled to be released very soon. I will let you know what I think of it once I look it over.

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